Error Correction Part-6 for SBI PO/Clerk, IBPS PO/Clerk, LIC, Insurance and others

Directions (1-5): Read each sentence, divided into five parts, to find out whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. Below each sentence you are provided with five options. The first three options suggest you the possible sequences of the correct parts of the sentence. Choose the sequence which consists of correct parts of the sentence. If there is no error in the sentence, choose option (d). If none of the options gives the correct sequence and if there is indeed an error in some part of the sentence, choose (e) as your option.

1. Here, the Czech Republic proves to be an interesting case. When Prague is not necessarily on(A)/ the immediate “front lines” as the other countries covered in this book, (B)/it recognized the insidious of misinformation and disinformation(C)/ as it related to the very small Muslim population of the country. (D)/ No Error (E)

a) only A
b) only D
c) A and C
d) B and C
e) No error

2. Case in point, the Uzbek government and the Chinese megacity of Chongqing recently signed (A)/an agreement to maintain friendly relations and promoting trade—trade in 2019(B)/ between the Central Asian country and this megacity(C)/ alone reached USD $31.9 million. (D)/ No Error (E)

a) only A
b) only D
c) A and C
d) B and C
e) No error

3. While preaching liberalism at home, America was supporting dictator (A)/ and monarchic regimes(B)/ in the Middle East that suppresses women’s rights, (C)/ killed homosexuals and punished non-Muslims. (D)/ No Error (E)

a) only A
b) only D
c) A and C
d) B and C
e) No error

4. Britain was teaching the world about liberalism when it drained $45 trillion from India during 173 years of colonial rule. (A)/ France gifted the Statue of Liberty to America while colonising Algeria and Indo-China. (B)/Mahatma Gandhi, messiah for equality and religious tolerance was happy to support the Khilafat Movement(C)/ aimed for reviving a global caliphate. Liberals let down liberalism. (D)/ No Error (E)

a) only A
b) only D
c) A and C
d) B and D
e) No error

5. A National Security Audit “identified various type of hybrid threats, (A)/ which including terrorism and radicalization(B)/ and foreign disinformation campaigns, (C)/as serious internal security threats”. (D)/ No Error (E)

a) only A
b) only D
c) A and C
d) A and B
e) No error


1. Sol. C, the error is in part A and C
In Part A, “when” should be replaced with “while”.
In Part C, “insidiousness” should be used at the place of “insidious”.

2. Sol. A, The error is in part A
In Part A, “promoting” should be replaced with “promoted”.

3. Sol. C, The error is in part A and C
In Part A, “dictatorial” should be used at the place of  “dictator”
In Part C, “suppresses” should be replaced with “suppressed” as the main clause is in past.

4. Sol. C,  The error is in part A and C
In Part A, “when” should be used at the place of “while”.
In Part C, “the” should be used before “messiah” as it is the title given to him.

5. Sol. D, The error is in part A and B
In Part B, “which including” should be either replaced with “which include” or “including”.
In Part A, “types” should be used at the place of “types”.

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