Articles Quiz

1. Some car collectors like variety, but some are ardent fans of a specific brand. That was the case for Fritz Schlumpf, a man who bought 30 Bugattis at once, according to a press release from Bugatti. The story of his massive hoard of classics is one of the strangest in the world of car collecting.

Sol. “A man” should be replaced with ‘the man’ as the specific person is talked about.

2. There is likely to be civil war if the region tries to secede from the south and it is unfortunate fact that we can secure peace only by preparing for the war.

Sol. Here ‘the’ should be taken off before ‘war’ as a general war is being talked about not any specific one and ‘a’ should not come as well because we are not introducing any war here which will be discussed later.

3. To reduce flood damage in a rural community in central Arizona there are two alternatives that can be followed. Of the two alternatives, this is definitely better as it will save many lives.

Sol. ‘the’ should be used before ‘better’.

4. Following the norms of social distancing, no parade and drills were conducted which are otherwise a centre of attraction of every Passing Out Parade.

Sol. “a centre of attraction” should be replaced with “the centre of attraction”.

5. We’ve been through one of the tough months, lots of irreparable losses and other losses that are less important, but without doubt that will cause suffering in society in following months.

Sol. “the” should be used before ‘following’.
The following months is the correct usage.

6 . Globally COVID-19 has taken centre stage, with clinicians , modellers, politicians and battling it out to find solutions. Yet there is the least recognised and important hero engaged in fighting against COVID-91 globally; Yes the Nursing Staff.

Sol. Since superlative adjective does take ‘the’ before it and “least” is the superlative form of “little”, but here, “a” should be used before ‘least’ as the subject it is referring to has not been mentioned. And for that indefinite anonymous subject an indefinite article “a” should be used.
Thus, “a least recognised” is the correct option.

7. Contrary to expectations, bitcoin could see a positive performance during a possible bout of global deflation if it acts not just as an investment asset, but as a medium of exchange and a perceived safe haven like gold. Thus, global Deflation may not be a bad news for Bitcoin.

Sol. “a” should be taken off before ‘news’.

8. In calling for a breakthrough, Birx was referring to the type of a testing technology — antigen testing — that is often used for rapid flu tests.

Sol. “Type of, kind of” should not take “a” before their noun. Thus, “type of testing technology” is the correct option.

9. The fire commander says the property owner was in the process of evicting the person in the home, but the owner left for lunch and then returned to find the house on the fire.

Sol. “on fire” is the correct option. “On fire” which means “burning”.

10. Dana White acknowledged it will be some time before he has a gate at a UFC event again but said someone had to take first step after it was announced action would resume next month.

Sol. “The” should be used before “first”. Ordinal adjective takes “the” before it.

11. A 25-year-old man in rage killed his father by biting deep in the neck and then chopping off his private parts, police in Maharashtra’s Nagpur said on Sunday.

Sol. “in rage” should be replaced with “in a rage” which is used as it is like in a temper etc.

12. Hours after security researchers at Citizen Lab reported that some Zoom calls were routed through China, the video conferencing platform has offered an apology and a partial explanation and admitted some calls were routed through china by a mistake.

Sol. “By mistake” is the correct usage.

13. Global stocks rallied as investors take the heart on U.S. economic reopening plan on Friday on President Donald Trump’s plans to revive the coronavirus-hit U.S. economy and a report about a clinical trial for a potential drug to treat COVID-19.

Sol. “the” should not be used before “heart”, take heart is the correct phrase which means to be courageous.

14. Louisiana prosecutors are fighting to keep a man locked in the prison after a judge overturned his double-murder conviction last month, arguing in part that he has been exposed to the novel coronavirus in a prison besieged by the illness.

Sol. “In prison” should be used at the place of “in the prison” as the primary purpose of prison is to have the criminal inside of it for different criminal activities, and since it is here serving its primary purpose, thus “the” should not be taken off.

15. The Man is the only creature that consumes without producing. He does not give milk, he does not lay eggs, he is too weak to pull the plough, he cannot run fast enough to catch rabbits. Yet he is lord of all the animals. He sets them to work, he gives back to them the bare minimum that will prevent them from starving, and the rest he keeps for himself.

Sol. “The” should be taken off before “man” as all men are referred here.

16. Newspapers around the country are running more and more death notices as the coronavirus spreads. Sunday’s edition of The Boston Globe contained a shocking visualization of the coronavirus pandemic: pages after pages of death notices.

Sol. “Pages after pages” should be replaced with “page after page”

17. It was a quarter to ten on Saturday night in the city’s Hudkeshwar area when a man, identified as Vikrant Pillewar, was behaving so violently that it took a lot of effort on the part of the police to pin him down, said an official.

Sol. “a” should not be used before “quarter’.

18. Finally, a brighter day following the couple of damp weather days. Sunshine mixes with some clouds Tuesday as temperatures climb just past the 60 degree mark.

Sol. “the couple” should be replaced with ‘a couple’.

19. Welcome to East Coast Poetry Club, your destination for a weekly dose of words that might stir your heart, provoke profound thought, or simply float through your mind like a gentle breeze.

Sol. “the” should be added before any direction, thus, “the east coast poetry club” is the correct phrase.

20. COVID-19 is killing a lot of people. From the announcement of the first confirmed U.S. case on Jan. 20 to April 16, it has killed nearly 34,000 Americans, however the Cowardice has nothing to do with country’s response to virus.

Sol. “the” should be removed before “cowardice” as abstract nouns do not take “the” before it.

21. My parents, who are Indian immigrants, have always spoken it at home, but never pushed me to when I was growing up. As a result, I can understand the Hindi, but am utterly paralyzed whenever I try constructing a coherent sentence.

Sol. “the” should be taken off before Hindi as languages do not take any definite article before it.

22. Porus, Indian prince who ruled the region between the Hydaspes (Jhelum) and Acesines (Chenab) rivers at the time of Alexander the Great’s invasion (327–326 bce) of the Punjab. Unlike his neighbour, Ambhi, the king of Taxila (Takshashila), Porus resisted Alexander that is why he was known as Alexander of India.

Sol. “The” should be written before “Alexander of India”. Thus, it should be “The Alexander of India”.

23. Sun at the heart of our solar system is a yellow dwarf star, a hot ball of glowing gases. Its gravity holds the solar system together.

Sol. “The” should be added before “sun” as heavenly bodies should have “the” before it.

24. Judge said to the drug dealer that you have no one to blame but yourself and let judge in you decide what punishment must be given to you.

Sol. When we talk about the personality within a person, “the” should be used before “judge”.

25. Texas man shares story of surviving COVID-19 after losing his father as son in him could not bear the condition of his ailing father.

Sol. “the” should be added before “son”.

26. So we’ve given all boys one tennis ball and one rugby ball and it’s not much, but it’s enough just to keep the skills ticking over, encouraging them every day to be touching the ball.

Sol. “the” should be written before ‘boys’. It should be “all the boys”.

27. Filmmaker Ram Gopal Verma who is known for his social media shenanigans, now takes a dig at Kim Dynasty, calls Kim Jong Un’s sister first female villain and a heir to the throne.

Sol. Since ‘heir’ starts with a vowel sound thus ‘an’ should be written before ‘heir’.

28. Brave is the word that’’s been used to describe medical professionals, grocery store workers, and others working on the front line of the COVID-19 pandemic. There is a playlist is a mix of songs that inspire confidence to move forward without fear during this pandemic. It’s a tribute to the braves among us.

Sol. “the braves” should be replaced with “the brave”.

29. Amazon gives away an year free of live and on-demand cooking to tens of millions of Amazon Fire TV and Fire tablet owners across the U.S., thanks to an expanded collaboration with Discovery’s Food Network Kitchen.

Sol. “an year” should be replaced with “a” year. 

30. While the outpouring of tributes to Walibora reveals a rich story of a fine literary gem celebrated both at home and abroad, circumstances surrounding his sudden and mysterious death shine a light on the status of artistes in society. They are perhaps least recognised in a society they strive to change for the better.

Sol. With superlatives “the” should be written, thus “the least” should be written.

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