Idioms and Phrases for SBI PO/Clerk, IBPS PO/Clerk, LIC, Insurance and others

Directions (1-05): In the following questions, a phrase is given in bold whose meaning can be inferred from one of the highlighted words/phrases of four sentences given below each phrase. Choose the most appropriate meaning of the phrase among the four options that can also be replaced by the given phrase without altering the meaning of the sentence. If none of the sentences conveys the correct meaning, choose (e) i.e., “None of the above” as your answer.

 Q1. A dime a dozen

(a) Websites on health and fitness are very common nowadays, but not all of them are accurate and have correct information.
(b) Their piercing war-whoops were blended with the loud beatings of a kind of drum which they had fabricated.
(c) The importance of this invention to the cotton industry of the world cannot be overestimated.
(d) The IMF also does not shy away from helping countries meet their debt service obligations.
(e) None of the above.

Q2. Run-of-the-mill

(a) Every year he adds some fresh decoration, some new and exceptional scene.
(b) He was determined to open a select school for advanced scholars.
(c) All mundane phenomena were inexplicably contorted that night.
(d) There are courses that are foundational and that must therefore be governed by an eclectic aim.
(e) None of the above.

Q3. Man of straw

(a) His presence was hardly noticed at first, so insignificant was the man.
(b) Everybody can’t be as sensible and handsome as we are, you know.
(c) Napoleon, himself a sceptic, was cognizant of this slave philosophy.
(d) As usual he addressed the dog as though he were a sentient being.
(e) None of the above

Q4. Under the weather

(a) The lazy worker lied and told his boss he was indisposed because he did not want to go into the office.
(b) The officers were still reluctant to unleash their troops in pursuit of a defeated enemy.
(c) Despite the surreal experience, Jessi saw something in his face that reminded her of the cousins.
(d) He turned off only to find he was trapped in a town square with no easy exit.
(e) none of the above

Q5. Low hanging fruit

(a) For the beauty-care industry, the teen demographic is a new category for them to easily obtain.
(b) Many people consider her decision to be a breach of trust.
(c) Voters don’t like political advertisements in which opponents disparage one another.
(d) The next morning, she was very docile, but evidently homesick.
(e) none of the above


S1. Ans. (a)
Sol. The phrase “a dime a dozen” means very common and of no particular value. Thus, among the given four statements, only the first sentence provides the exact meaning of the phrase and at the same time it can be replaced by the given phrase without altering the meaning of the sentence. Hence option (a) is the correct choice.
Fabricated means invented (something) in order to deceive.
Overestimated means formed too high or favourable an estimate of.
Shy away means to move away from or try to avoid something.

S2. Ans. (c)
Sol. The phrase “run-of-the-mill” means lacking unusual or special aspects; ordinary. Thus, among the given four statements, only the third sentence provides the exact meaning of the phrase and the highlighted word can be replaced by the given phrase without altering the meaning of the sentence. Hence option (c) is the correct choice.
Exceptional means unusually good; outstanding.
Select means (of a group of people or things) carefully chosen from a larger number as being the best or most valuable.
Mundane means lacking interest or excitement; dull.
Eclectic means deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources.

S3. Ans. (a)
Sol. The phrase “man of straw” means someone who has a weak character. Thus, among the given four statements, only the first sentence provides the exact meaning of the phrase and the highlighted word “insignificant” can be replaced by the given phrase without altering the intended meaning of the sentence. Hence option (a) is the correct choice.
Sensible means done or chosen in accordance with wisdom or prudence; likely to be of benefit.
Cognizant means having knowledge or awareness.
Sentient means able to perceive or feel things.

S4. Ans. (a)
Sol. The idiom ‘under the weather’ means slightly unwell or in low spirits. Moreover, ‘indisposed’ which is an adjective means ‘slightly unwell’. Therefore, the most suitable word that depicts the meaning of the given idiom without altering the context of the sentence is ‘indisposed’. Hence, option (a) becomes the most viable answer choice.
Unleash means to cause (a strong or violent force) to be released or become unrestrained.
surreal means having the qualities of surrealism; bizarre.
Turned off means leave one road in order to join another.

S5. Ans. (a)
Sol. The idiom ‘low hanging fruit’ means the most easily achieved of a set of tasks, measures, goals, etc. Moreover, ‘obtain’ which is a verb means ‘get, acquire, or secure (something)’. Therefore, the most suitable phrase that depicts the meaning of the given idiom without altering the context of the sentence is ‘easily obtain’. Hence, option (a) becomes the most viable answer choice.
Breach means an act of breaking or failing to observe a law, agreement, or code of conduct.
Disparage means to regard or represent as being of little worth.
Docile means ready to accept control or instruction; submissive.


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