Error Correction Part-30 for SBI PO/Clerk, IBPS PO/Clerk, LIC, Insurance and others

Directions (1-5): Read each sentence, divided into five parts, to find out whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. Below each sentence you are provided with five options. Choose the sequence which consists of correct parts of the sentence. If there is no error in the sentence, choose option (e).

1. The humanitarian aid and medical supplies provided(A)/ by Russia and China turn out to be more of(B)/ a strategic move than a humanitarian one, (C)/as much of the medical supplies were flawed and unusable. (D)/ No Error (E).

a) only A
b) only D
c) A and B
d) B and D
e) No error

2. Today mark World Youth Skills Day, and this year’s theme is apt: Skills for Resilient Youth. (A)/Reaching youth will be critical for COVID-19 recovery as the demographic (B)/likely to be hardest hit by the pandemic-induced recession globally, (C)/ and especially in Africa where three quarters of the population is beneath 35. (D)/ No Error (E)

a) only A
b) A and D
c) A and B
d) B and C
e) No error

3. People are worried that robots will take their jobs. (A)/According to McKinsey Global Institute research, even though less than 5% of jobs(B)/ can be fully replaced, about 60% of occupations have(C)/ at least 30% of activities that have automatic potential. (D)/ No Error (E)

a) only A
b) only D
c) A and B
d) B and C
e) No error

4. The media campaigns and propaganda displayed a strong image of solidarity (A)/with the region, which helped shaped (B)/ region perceptions in that direction. China’s actions sought to partially redress their initial cover up(C)/ of the extent and severity of COVID-19 in their country. (D)/ No Error (E)

a) only A
b) only D
c) A and B
d) B and C
e) No error

5. The pandemic is occurring during a critical moment for the Western Balkans, (A)/where most countries will soon face elections. (B)/Faced with such pressures, the support from China and Russia were welcomed by(C)/ certain political leaders who praised these donations in the media. (D)/ No Error (E)

a) only A
b) C and D
c) A and B
d) B and C
e) No error


1. Sol. D The error is in part B and D
In Part B, “turned out” should be used at the place of “turn out”.
In Part D, “many” should be used at the place of “much”.

2. Sol. B The error is in part A and D
In Part A, “marks” should be used at the place of “mark”.
In Part D, “under” should be used at the place of “beneath”.

3. Sol. B The error is in part D
In Part D, “automation” should be used at the place of “automatic”.

4. Sol. D The error is in part B and C
In Part B, “shape” should be used at the place of “shaped”.
In Part C, “regional” should be used at the place of “region”.

5. Sol. B The error is in part C and D
In Part C, “was” should be used at the place of “were”.
In Part D, “these” should be used at the place of “this”.

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